I started to take a corporate finance course recently by Edx. Edx is one of the MOOCs. Mooc stands for a massive open online course. It means we can study some subjects that noble universities provide remotely for free or cheap.
The course I take takes 3 months to complete and they issue the certificate. I as good job seeker expect it works for my career development. Some courses provide online master's degrees, mini master and even bachelor degrees. I am thinking of taking some degrees for my future brilliant career in the next decade or more.
It sounds really convenient to us. But when I look back at my past, I read books to study new knowledge and I really enjoyed reading. I don't want to say that my every reading connects to my future career. Reading is my hobby. I really like to know new things, new feelings and new technics through reading. Moocs may change this relationship with my reading. Pure feelings that knowing new things through reading may be disturbed by moocs. Because reading doesn't issue any certification and we can't write it on our CV.
You may think this is a crazy idea. However, for people like me who don't have specific sufficient job experience and apply for a good post which requires some experience, we need to show something alternative instead of sufficient experience. I came up with this, maybe there are millions of people who think the same thing and do. From now on, the candidates may have a lot of mooc certification on their CVs to show their unique talent. I may need to follow them. I need to collect a lof of or good certificates. What a competitive society.
How do you think? Do you think every your study should record and they shoud be accumulated in your LinkedIn or study record something to show your talent?
Is it just me, or does it feel suffocating, like a society where mistakes are not tolerated? Or I'm just afraid that an unrecorded study is going to be worthless. The recorded study, in this case, is Moocs. Then it sounds unfair, doesn't it?